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Mole Removal

At Eclipse Cosmetic and Laser Centre we treat/remove a wide variety of growths and spots that, although USUALLY not serious, are of cosmetic concern to our patients. Different treatment methods are used depending on the type of lesion and its location. It is therefore critical to have a proper diagnosis of the lesion before treatment is chosen. Also, Dr. Bridgeo has been treating skin lesions for over a decade, and he will first examine any lesion being considered for removal. If there is ANY DOUBT as to whether the lesion is suspicious for a skin cancer, then it will be removed and sent for a formal pathological diagnosis. Lesions which are considered to be suspicious, may be covered by OHIP for diagnosis and surgical removal. This will be discussed prior to any procedure taking place.

LENTIGOS are benign, brown or tan colored spots that occur mainly in sun exposed areas. With time they become larger, darker and often will develop a scaly rough surface. These lesions are easily treated with either liquid nitrogen or lasers and generally leave an excellent cosmetic result.

SEBORRHEIC KERATOSES are benign, warty growths that are either grey or brown/tan in colour and have a "stuck on" appearance. They get larger and stick out more with time. They are not related to sun exposure and can occur anywhere on the body. Some people can develop dozens of these lesions as they age. We treat these lesions very successfully with liquid nitrogen. The larger and thicker these lesions become, the more difficult they are to remove and therefore early treatment is recommended.

PAPILLOMAS [SKIN TAGS] are soft brown growths, often with a narrow stalk, that usually occur on the eyelids, neck, underarms, under the breasts and in the groin. They become larger with time. Some people will develop multiple lesions, and there is often a family history of these lesions. We remove these spots by a simple surgical procedure, without stitches. They generally heal, leaving an excellent result. Several can be removed in a session.

CHERRY HEMANGIOMAS are dome-shaped bright red spots that can occur anywhere on the skin surface. They may be single or multiple. In some instances patients can develop hundreds of these lesions. There is sometimes a family history of similar spots. They become larger and darker red in colour with time. If treated early, when they are small and bright red, they can be removed completely with laser treatment without scars. The cosmetic results tend to be excellent. Multiple spots can be treated in a session.

SPIDER TELANGIECTASIAS (burst blood vessesl) are small benign vascular lesions that disappear when pressure is applied. They often have a central, slightly raised round area with thin red lines radiating from it (like a spider!). Although usually of cosmetic importance, rarely if multiple, spider telangiectasias can be a sign of systemic disorders such as liver disease. Once it is determined that the lesions are of cosmetic importance only, we treat them with lasers and, in the vast majority of cases, achieve excellent results in 1 or 2 treatments.

NAEVI [MOLES] are common growths that start off as flat, pigmented spots. With time they generally become elevated and dome shaped and eventually become fleshy and less pigmented. Non-cancerous moles tend to be of even color and regular outline whereas cancerous moles [melanoma] tend to display irregular colour and irregular outline. Correct diagnosis is essential prior to treatment. Naevi which are of cosmetic importance are removed by a shave excision without stitches [sutures] or by excision and suturing. The preferred method depends on various factors including, the size, location and color of the spot. Removal of moles will leave a scar but this is generally not very noticeable.

Before removing a mole, we attempt, as much as is possible, to explain to the patient what cosmetic result can be expected.

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